Registration for 2017 Conference
You are invited to a fun and informative day of keynotes, energy market updates, regulatory changes and breakout sessions on industry hot topics. The day ends with a networking social hour.
Richards Energy Users’ Forum
Thursday, October 12
Spooky Nook Sports, Manheim, PA
Purchase Tickets Here
We’ve updated the Richards Annual Conference to a full day event. Please feel free to join us for the full, half, lunch or any part of the day. Registration is open to Members and Nonmembers.
Richards Energy Users’ Forum is a day long annual conference of educational sessions bringing together Richards Energy company members and commercial, industrial, and institutional energy users.
Don’t miss out on what your colleagues are calling the most valuable annual conference in the industry!
“Richards Energy annual energy conference gives us a cutting-edge perspective on the energy markets, market patterns, past weather effects, petroleum and gas markets and future projections.”
–Kenneth Burkholder, Goods Store
Registration & Breakfast
Morning Session:
Energy Market Update
Regulatory & Tariff Changes
Energy Auditing/Consulting
LED Lighting
Design Thinking: A human-centered design approach to leveraging innovation and strategic problem solving in your business, by Design Quake
Afternoon Breakout Sessions:
Energy Auditing as a Corporate Financial Roadmap
Post Project Auditing & Engineering Analysis
Managing Demand: Peak Load Shaving & Demand Response
Retro-Commissioning HVAC and Controls: The Energy Hero in Plain Sight
The Future of PA Nuclear Generation and Its Impact on the Local Market Advanced Lighting Controls
Social & Hors d’oeuvres in the Atrium Bar, Mike McMonagle will perform traditional folk to roots-rock-n-roll
We hope to see you there!
Purchase Tickets Here